14th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies

Meet us at the 14th Dresden Symposium on Autoantibodies taking place from September 10 to September 13, 2019! The main topic of the upcoming symposium deals with the role of autoantibodies in precision health and precision medicine. Further topics: ★ Autoantibodies in systemic and organ specific autoimmune diseases (induction, pathology, clinical relevance) ★ Novel autoantibodies…

Professor title awarded

Dr. Kai Schulze-Forster, co-founder of CellTrend GmbH, was awarded the title of professor by the Technical University in Wildau. In a ceremonial act Prof. Dr. Ulrike Tippe, president of the TH Wildau, presented the certificate on Wednesday, 26th June 2019. The entire CellTrend Team congratulates Prof. Dr. Kai Schulze-Forster!

20th anniversary of CellTrend

On May 17, 2019, the 20th anniversary of CellTrend took place. Numerous cooperation partners, customers and friends found their way to Luckenwalde on this day to celebrate with us. The audience was offered very interesting speeches by renowned scientists. Therefore we would like to thank Prof. Dr. med. Yehuda Shoenfeld (Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv),…

New article in Kidney International about AT1 receptor antibodies in kidney transplant recipients

Read the abstract of this interesting article: Anti-angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R) antibodies have been associated with allograft rejection. We hypothesized that circulating AT1R antibodies might identify kidney transplant recipients at increased risk of allograft rejection and loss who are not identified by the HLA system. We prospectively enrolled 1845 kidney transplant recipients from…

New publication in Frontiers in Bioscience about: Anti-ß1-Adrenoreceptor auto-Antibodies in elderly heart failure patients.

Abstract of the article: An autoimmune reaction directed against the cardiac b1-adrenergic receptor (beta1-ADR) leading to the generation of autoantibodies (AA) against this G-coupled receptor has been described in patients with heart failure (HF). Agonist-like beta1-ADR-AA are associated with morbidity in HF patients and even predict mortality. Standardised and valid diagnostic tools to detect beta…

new publication about Beta-1-Adrenergic Receptor Antibodies in Acute Coronary Syndrome

Beta-1-Adrenergic Receptor Antibodies in Acute Coronary Syndrome: Is Less Sometimes More?   Cardiovascular diseases are common, accounting for approximately 17.3 million global deaths annually. Substantial evidence exists for numerous risk factors including dyslipidemia, smoking, arterial hypertension, diabetes, and abdominal obesity. Numerous biomarkers have previously been reported in acute coronary syndromes, relating to both inflammation or…