CellTrend GmbH

Address Im Biotechnologiepark
14943 Luckenwalde
Telefone: +49 3371 6199600
Telefax: +49 3371 6199604
E-Mail info@celltrend.de

How to find us

Luckenwalde is located 40 km south of Berlin, directly on the B101 and is easily accessible by car and train. The urban area of biotechnology park is signposted.

A10 Berliner Ring 28 km
A9   Berlin – Leipzig 35 km
A13 Berlin – Dresden 40 km
InterRegio Berlin – Leipzig – Frankfurt/M. -München
Regionalexpreß (RE 4) from and to Berlin
Travel time Berlin-Ostbahnhof 45 min
Travel time Berlin-Schönefeld 30 min
Shuttle bus between station and park

from station: 7:08, 8:10, 9:08 Uhr

to station: 15:40, 16:40, 17:40, 18:40 Uhr
Airport link:
Berlin – BER 40 km
(Regional airport Kat II)
15 km

Here you can find the map of Luckenwalde.


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